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What some of our clients said about holistic health counseling:


The turnaround in my eating has been 100%--I have never craved healthy foods until now, and now I am able to cook creatively with healthy foods and shop for vegetables with confidence and ease. I am able to easily balance the foods that I choose, and to leave the table satisfied without overeating.

- Lara


"I am much more confident after learning how to treat my IBS, and appreciate and nourish my body; my health counselor is absolutely wonderful to work with, she�s very supportive, caring, great listener, informative and intelligent."

- Mary Kelly


I started to work with my holistic health counselor on my nutrition at the
end of October, she helped me a lot, helping me to have a variety of food and a range of different nutrients. I feel better now and happier to cook and eat different things. It makes my mood happier too, and I see events in my life differently.

- Katia


My holistic health counselor has helped me combat my PCOS symptoms of fatigue, mood swings, irregular periods, and hair growth.  She was so great and supportive throughout the course of the months. She helped me stay on track as my periods became more regular and I gained more energy.  I owe all this to my counselor!"



My counselor was very helpful in coming up with healthy and tasty snack and meal ideas throughout my pregnancy that also helped me to overcome my low blood sugar feelings. She was sensitive to the moods and cravings of pregnancy, and the experience gave me a sense of wellbeing during a sometimes out-of-control time.

- C. Lewis


"My energy level has increased drastically, lost weight and am now enjoying cooking with whole foods."

- Jesse


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January 19th, 2011

"Leave your potions in the chemist's crucible if you can heal your patient with food."

-- Hippocrates


Disclaimer: No information, product or article is intended in any way explicit, implicit, by implication or inference to be a substitute or replacement for medical care. Holistic Health Counselors are not doctors. They work with clients to create optimal health and wellness through simple dietary and lifestyle changes. cannot guarantee the performance of any holistic health counselor in our directory, however we are dedicated to maintaining the most accurate and up-to-date information.