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holistic health counseling

Holistic Health Programs

Our programs are based on the concept of primary and secondary nourishment, and our Counselors work with clients to help them attain optimal health and wellness. The process is based on the client as an individual, not on a particular theory.


The length of our programs varies. However, most programs are six months in length.


Our Counselors meet with clients for one-on-one sessions in person or by phone twice a month, providing them with a variety of books, CDs, foods and other materials. Most of the programs also include monthly group events, such as lectures, cooking classes and health food store tours.



With your health counselors guidance you will re-examine career choices, clean up relationship issues and create time for the most important things in life.


Our counselors have great success helping people with chronic health concerns that could not be relieved by the existing medical system.


By creating a highly supportive safe space, clients become healthier physically, emotionally, and spiritually, transforming their lives one step at a time.


Are you ready?


Many of our Counselors offer a free initial consultation at no obligation. It's a great way to find out if Holistic Health Counseling is right for you and if you and the Counselor are a good match.


In this free one-hour consultation, you and your Counselor will discuss your unique issues in depth and determine how you can best reach your personal goals.


This conversation may just be a turning point in your life!


To sign up for your free initial consultation please go to our National Holistic Health Counselors Directory, and remember there is no obligation!

January 19th, 2011

"Leave your potions in the chemist's crucible if you can heal your patient with food."

-- Hippocrates


Disclaimer: No information, product or article is intended in any way explicit, implicit, by implication or inference to be a substitute or replacement for medical care. Holistic Health Counselors are not doctors. They work with clients to create optimal health and wellness through simple dietary and lifestyle changes. cannot guarantee the performance of any holistic health counselor in our directory, however we are dedicated to maintaining the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Disclaimer: No information, product or article is intended in any way explicit, implicit, by implication or inference to be a substitute or replacement for medical care. Holistic Health Counselors are not doctors. They work with clients to create optimal health and wellness through simple dietary and lifestyle changes. cannot guarantee the performance of any holistic health counselor in our directory, however we are dedicated to maintaining the most accurate and up-to-date information.