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Holistic Recipes

Black Bean Salad
2 cups cooked black beans; 1 cup mixed diced peppers; 1 cup caramelized onions, 1 teaspoon cumin powder, toasted; 1/2 a cup scallions, sliced; 1/8 cup lime juice, 2 tablespoons olive oil; 1/2 chipotle...

Chipoltle Salsa
1 can organic chopped tomato; 1/4 cup onion, pureed; 2 tablespoon chopped cilantro; 4 teaspoon honey; 1/4 cup lime juice....

Easy Salmon
1 carrot, diced; 1/2 cup parsley, chopped; 4 bay leaves; 6 oz. Salmon; 2 slices lemon; dash of black pepper. Place diced carrot in pot, add parsley and bay leaves. Place fish on top, adding lemon a...

Herbed Millet
Preparation time: 35 minutes 1 cup dry millet 21/2 to 3 cups water 1/4 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 small onion, finally chopped 3 small cloves of garlic, unpeeled (or 1 peeled and minced) 1 teaspoon s...

Hummus & Crudites
2 cups cooked chick peas; 1 tablespoon cumin; 1 tablespoon tahini; 1 lemon, juiced; salt and pepper. Combine all ingredients in food processor & mix until smooth. Serve with selection of raw vegeta...

Quinoa Tabouli Salad
2 cups cooked quinoa; 1 cup chopped parsley; 1/4 cup lime juice; 1/2 cup olive oil; salt and pepper. Combine together & serve room temperature. Serves 4...

Sauteed Kale
1 bunch of kale; 1 tablespoon olive oil; 1/2 onion, sliced; 2 cloves garlic, minced; pinch of salt and pepper. Wash kale and cut into wide strips. Saute onion and garlic in olive oil with salt and ...

January 19th, 2011

"Leave your potions in the chemist's crucible if you can heal your patient with food."

-- Hippocrates


Disclaimer: No information, product or article is intended in any way explicit, implicit, by implication or inference to be a substitute or replacement for medical care. Holistic Health Counselors are not doctors. They work with clients to create optimal health and wellness through simple dietary and lifestyle changes. cannot guarantee the performance of any holistic health counselor in our directory, however we are dedicated to maintaining the most accurate and up-to-date information.