Diet - Nutrition - Lifestyle  
about us
holistic health counseling

Most of our clients are busy professionals like you who want to improve the quality of their lives and explore the connection between food/lifestyle and overall health.


Our clients are generally people who:


v     Are ready to transform their lives and take active steps toward better health and well-being.

v     Have various chronic health concerns.

v     Have tried many different diets without great success and would like support in making educated nutritional decisions.

v     Desire to know more about the power of whole foods and how to prepare easy healthy meals.

v     Feel they know what they need to do in order to have a healthy lifestyle but need support to get there.

v     Would like to transition from "junk" food to whole foods.

v     Feel confused about all of the varied nutritional and dietary information available and would like to make sense of it all.

v     Want to increase their energy and vitality.

v     Want to figure out " once and for all " what works for their unique biochemistry.


Where do you fit?

January 19th, 2011

"Leave your potions in the chemist's crucible if you can heal your patient with food."

-- Hippocrates


Disclaimer: No information, product or article is intended in any way explicit, implicit, by implication or inference to be a substitute or replacement for medical care. Holistic Health Counselors are not doctors. They work with clients to create optimal health and wellness through simple dietary and lifestyle changes. cannot guarantee the performance of any holistic health counselor in our directory, however we are dedicated to maintaining the most accurate and up-to-date information.